Tuesday, August 6, 2013

quiet wedding moments

the happy newlyweds are on their honeymoon, tucked away in a romantic
chalet nestled among the french alps.  bliss.

thank you for your patience.
i am still in wedding recovery mode but beginning to feel like myself again
living life at a more familiar pace.
i am aiming to get back on blog schedule next week although we do
head to california for a wedding open house at the home of andrew's parents.
but today, i would like to share with you some quieter, lovely wedding scenes sans guests and busy energy.

with the unfamiliar wet summer we've been having,
our garden presented itself in a lush green with flowers blooming at just the right time.
i do love mother nature.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it was all so beautiful and the photos remind me again of the quality of peace and serenity that the colour "white" provides.
    I am so so impressed by your neat and fruitful vegetable fields and rows.
    And the birthday cake is a treat to be remembered.
    Paul is in his element while he is feeding flocks of people and especially his family. In fact I can feel the same feelings myself as I feed family and friends. Saw Andrew and Margo yesterday just as we were leaving for church. They are looking so happy and regaled me with the highlights of their travels. News of a new baby puppy is exciting. How lucky we are
    to have them close. I feel for you Janet as you send your children out into the wider world. Fully equipped to deal with life's adventures.
    Thank you for the reminder of that wonderful wedding day. We love you.
