Friday, August 30, 2013

summer's end

we are coming to the close of summer.  at least that is what the calendar says.  i certainly can't tell by the weather as we match another high temp. record today.  i also know summer is done because sab and gabi have started back to school, sigh.....and this afternoon we drive ben back to byu.  this has to be one of the most difficult things i do as a mother and i know i am not alone.  for instance, here is another parent's thoughts. you know, i miss my kids when they are away.  i really kind of like just having them around.  but then again, i am so proud of each of them as they move forward and head out on their own paths.  each one so amazing.  it is right, it is healthy, it is truly wonderful.  but right now, it just feels like an aching, sad happiness.

to say goodbye to summer. i want to share a few things we missed amongst all the other fun!  like...

a rare photo op of our dad's three daughters!!  thanks for coming to the wedding lynn.  you are a gem. come to boulder and hang with alisa and i more often.

a sweet message left by a friend for margo and andrew on their wedding day.

a homemade with love birthday lunch for me by these two busy bees.  thank you gabi and sidney.  you made me feel special.  loved the fried avocado!  it looks like this photo has also caught gabi singing.  gabi is always singing.

garden gems.  we are growing heirloom tomatoes this year - beautifully homely little things.  zucchini anyone?

and my roses.  i could go on and on about my roses....

also, ben snuck in a hawaiian vacation with emma and her family for a week.  he flew back just in time to meet up with us in l.a. for the wedding open house.  ben, is the photo above an abercrombie photo shoot?  you handsome boy, you!

our sunflowers have just bloomed!!  they are such happy flowers.

sab has been lifeguarding all summer.  no small feat to become a lifeguard, i'll tell you.  this too marks the end of summer as the pools close this labor day weekend and his job finishes.  so proud of you sab!
as i think of my two boys and sending ben off again, it breaks my heart to think of them separated.  they have always loved each other, always been best friends, always.  they share languages that the rest of us don't really languages, video game languages.  i love the two of them together and we will all cope with the two of them apart.  sorry for the bits of sadness in this post...

so off we go to utah to help ben get settled and move into his apartment at byu as well as help margo and andrew move into their newly built apartment in salt lake city.  see you monday.  
have a lovely weekend.


  1. Thanks for the thoughts, Jan. So glad you are mom to my nieces and nephews. I must say that Ben is quite a pin-up boy!

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