Monday, September 2, 2013


we have just arrived home from utah after getting ben settled in at byu for his sophomore year, helping margo and andrew move into their a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e apartment, celebrating grandma's birthday with a bundle of assorted family dinners and get togethers, and meeting margo and andrew's new addition....helga!  oh-my-goodness...she is just about the cutest, most cuddly little bundle of chocolate chip cookie dough colored adorableness i have ever met.  
here she is......

welcome to the family little one.


  1. that dog is so cute!! I hope ben is all moved in and ready for school! Miss you guys already!

    1. Hi Emma, everything is settled there for him and he has some fun roommates. It was a great last weekend together but I miss him already and I miss you too! I hope all is going well and you are happy to be back together with friends. I wish you could meet Margo and Andrew's little Helga while she is so tiny - I didn't want to leave her either!
