Monday, December 16, 2013

Sab's Eagle Project

friday the 13th last week and what a friday the 13th it was! 
i still don't know why,
but i just couldn't get it together...i was frustrated, anxious, panicky, even had
a little cry and to top it off, while i was playing tug of war with roxy, i got hit in the face
and ended up with a swollen and bloody lip.  at that point, i just wanted to call it a day and head back to bed and the last thing i wanted to do was put together a blogpost.  sigh......

but all of that is behind me and i can't wait to share our amazing weekend!

sebastian has been a boy scout since he was eleven years old.  over the past six years, he has completed all of the required merit badges and has been planning, organizing and detailing his final eagle project since august.

well, saturday was the final project day.  he gathered together friends and family
to help him build a raised garden bed for a low income housing facility in boulder.

we were very lucky to have a break in the weather and be able to work 

well done, buddy!

thanks so much to everyone that came out to support sebastian.

project completed!  hooooray!

that afternoon, we hosted a piano recital at our home.

i couldn't believe it, but we were actually able to seat 50 people in the piano room.

gabi played landslide as a duet with jasmine, her piano teacher.
jasmine has been our family's piano teacher for nine years.

"glad that's over," says gabi.
it was beautiful!


  1. I really need some scouts to come and build raised planters for me. Do you know of any looking for a project?

  2. anytime...however i failed cubs !! does that count ?

    1. Sounds like a good reason to give it a retry!!
