Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Cheer

blizzard!!!  high winds and blowing snow and now our previously shoveled
paths are covered in drifted snow all the way up to the front door.

the wreaths have arrived from sebastian's choir fundraiser.
they smell heavenly!!  off to deliver the orders.
thank you to all our friends that have supported fairview choirs by
buying christmas wreaths!! enjoy!

i was baking, baking, baking yesterday.  gabi had her winter school choir
concert last night which always ends with cookies and milk.
paul was able to attend the concert and loved it.  they sang one of his
favorite songs: Christmas in the Trenches - the song of the true story of Christmas eve truces that took place all along the fighting fronts during WWI.  dad was so proud of you up 
there gabi and he said your solo was beautiful!

i took some of the cookies to a party i was invited to with some friends.
sorry to have missed your concert, baby girl.

i wanted to end this post with some christmas cheer!
you may even shed a tear.

1 comment:

  1. thks janet...a welcome diversion form chasing wheat sellers and buyers....
