Wednesday, April 2, 2014

new beginnings

spring is finally here.  really.  truly.  i can hardly believe it.
not that we still couldn't get a random snowfall or two but winter is well and truly over.
it's been a long one.

time for new beginnings.  
my hyacinths are the first spring bulbs to show their bright, 
smiling faces with daffodils and tulips to follow soon.  on the property, 
the green tipped tree branches are nurturing small, beautiful buds-to-be and the birds
and their song are back in abundance.

new beginnings for me too.  i have just returned from my last cognitive therapy session 
leaving with my dr.'s blessings.  last week i also completed my physical therapy rehab.
it was difficult to say goodbye and express my thankfulness to these
two gifted and incredible women who have held my hand, healed, guided and 
cheered me on these long three months.  
the rest of the healing is up to me now and i am committed and determined
to return healthier than before touched with a magical smidgen of wisdom.

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