Friday, May 16, 2014

sab's final fairview choir concert

the end of the senior year of high school is filled with bucket loads of drama and intense, wonderful emotion. (i even have to gear up for it!)
last night was sebastian's final high school choir concert marking the end of this four year enriching, powerful, challenging and memorable life experience. 
(i know this sounds a bit dramatic, i mean we're talking choir, but oh, the stories i could tell...)  
in the fairview auditorium, emotions were running high. 

 during the first half of the concert, the 150 member junior/senior choir, festival, 
presented six beautiful but complicated pieces.
it was hard work. they sang consistently for a good half an hour!
the emotions of this final night were felt not only by the choir members, 
but the audience as well.
at the front, are the officers of this choir. this year, sebastian has been festival's co-president.

the last choir of the six performing last night was the high spirited, excalibur show choir.
this outstanding, smaller choir has shared amazing opportunities and challenges together this 
year balanced with an equal amount of fun and friendship.  they all work beautifully together to deliver performances that can only be described as "professional".

another factor that added to the emotion of the night, is that one of the beloved teacher/directors will be leaving the school this year.  the news is tough to take.  this talented and beautiful woman has added a marked professional, yet down to earth touch to the music program at fairview and has been a favorite teacher to both ben and sebastian.  thank you, thank you for your influence on not only the hundreds of choir students you have mentored but for the magical, musical touch you have had on my boys.
(the excalibur members each presented her with a rose during the performance.  
not sure she's going to miss sebastian, i think that's a pinch she's giving him :)

the evening ended with the seniors gathered at the foot of the stage while the choir directors
took a rare opportunity to perform a song for them. by this time, there was not a dry eye to be found.  what memories, what lessons, what talents have been secured.  take them all with you, seniors and add them to your life's list of treasures.

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