Friday, July 11, 2014

colorado ballet summer intensive

gabi has been attending the colorado ballet summer intensive program six days a week
over these past two weeks and has l-o-v-e-d it!  ok, so she's exhausted and sore every night 
but this determined little soul couldn't be happier.

gabi auditioned for the program back in february and has been looking forward to it for 
months.  she's made great new friends, some from out of state as well as overseas.  
the studios are in denver so last week we joined the boulder/denver communter 
throng each morning and evening.  my highlight: after a number of attempts, 
i finally found the hard to find HOV lane entrance next to coors field - "amateur!"

this week, gabi has been taking the bus in and out of the city - "pro!"

so proud of you, gabi.  what a rich challenge this has been and you've met it
with amazing grace and zeal!

have a lovely weekend.

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