Wednesday, July 9, 2014

fourth of july

a little late but.........

 the morning of this happy birthday america day,
we all headed up the mountains to the little, historic town of gold hill
to watch their fourth of july parade.

what a great, old western town.  everyone is so kind and everything is low key.
just what we wanted!

residents on horseback, livestock, town characters, local vehicles of every kind, fire trucks, snowmobiles........

candy was thrown to the crowd from the parade vehicles.  angus and charlie were
quick on the draw and collected quite a candy cache.

i think everyone had fun! when the parade finished and we turned to leave, the locals yelled, 
"hey, it isn't over yet, they come around again!"
ok so, we got to see the whole thing one more time!  got to love it.

after the parade, the town and visitors gather at the local inn for
a music festival that lasts the whole day.  we didn't stay, deciding instead to head
back down to boulder for an afternoon on the boat.

little captain charlie loved the boat and wanted to help uncle paul.

he especially wanted to drive when his mom and dad were tubing.

whoa..........ben, sab, katharine and gabi!  four on the tube!

not for long............

after a great day, we spent the evening with the rest of america, watching fireworks!

happy birthday, america!!!
we love and appreciate you

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