Wednesday, July 30, 2014

flood mode

we are once again on flood alert here in our valley.
it's not a comfortable head space to be in with the memories of last fall's devastating 
flood still a vivid and emotional reality.  the september flood, as we locals call it, 
continues to leave its mark around us with recovery work still in progress.

unfortunately, an identical weather pattern arrived yesterday and we have had
continual falling rain which is expected for a couple more days.  this rainfall will
add to the extremely high water table we've had since the september flood.  
 a problem.

but, paul is amazing.  with experience and foresight now, he has quickly
set up the water diversion barricades, turned on pumps, turned off the
landscape stream, again to use as a floodwater diverter, and is monitoring the house 
and property like a pro.  at this point, the back yard is only ankle deep and the diverted
water has found its flow just as predicted making its way through the outdoor kitchen
heading down to south boulder creek at the bottom of the property.
we've got this!


  1. oh no not again! Beautiful photos though, everything is so green!

    1. It's been tense here but the rainfall hasn't been as heavy. We'll see what the day brings.....

  2. Beautiful photos indeed! Be safe!
