Monday, July 28, 2014

my maryland fix

over the weekend, i went for a visit to my home state of maryland. felt good.  i stayed with my best friend from way back through time,
stephanie.  steph lives in annapolis, maryland's state capitol.
the first day i was there, i just wanted to be near water so............

i walked into town around town, following the coastline of the bay.
i loved seeing, smelling and feeling seawater again.
living in landlocked colorado, an east coast girl needs a water fix
 every once in a while, y'know?

look what maryland kids do for summer camp - they sail!  what a dream.

in the heart of annapolis you'll find the u.s. naval academy.  so, still following the coastline, 
i headed over to the campus and walked and walked and walked.
 what a rejuvenating day.

steph spoiled me while i was there and made my every
wish for the visit come true.  we enjoyed beautiful meals around
town, headed to potomac, our childhood neighborhood and visited old hangouts,
my childhood homes, childhood friends and basked in memories.
we also attended our 35th high school reunion together on saturday
night.  so, so glad i had this high school friend by my side that night.
y'know, after this long it's kind of difficult to remember or even recognize
most classmates!  but it was fun, really fun to be with these friends
from long ago.

soaking up this last morning, we walked around town again before
i had to say goodbye.  thanks steph, thanks maryland.  you are always in my heart.

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