Monday, August 18, 2014

eagle scout court of honor

 we held an eagle scout court of honor at our house this weekend to award these two boys,
sebastian and josh, their rank of eagle scout.  sab and josh met as cub scouts many 
years ago and have been the best of friends since the beginning of this shared adventure.
(sab is home from b.y.u. for the couple weeks between summer and fall term, it is
sooo nice to have him here)

scoutmasters, mentors, youth leaders, friends and family came to support and celebrate 
sab and josh's advancement to this highest scouting rank.  we held the event outside, seating
everyone around the fire pit for the program.

gabi led the crowd in singing, America the Beautiful and My Country 'Tis of Thee.

pledges, oaths and charges were given and then the presentation of
the eagle awards.
the boys took their turns expressing their thankfulness for the support
of so many leaders through the years and shared some favorite and
not so favorite memories along this path.

afterwards, we moved the chairs and benches aside so everyone could celebrate,
mingle and make s'mores.

two proud fathers with their sons.

my dad, a scoutmaster for many years, made his
way out from california to attend this special evening.  a proud grandfather.

a sincere and grateful thank you to so many men who have been a support
and encouragement to sebastian through the years.  this commitment and care enabled
 him to attain this honor.  again, thank you.

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