Friday, August 15, 2014

garden to table - lemon lavender cake

it's no secret that i love my lavender.  
i love the whole process of growing, harvesting, drying and including it as often as possible 
in my life and the life of my family.  from this year's harvest, 
 i've stuffed a pillow to bursting, sprinkled it into homemade lavender soap and made
gorgeous recipes. 

 i also incorporate lavender essential oil with all of its relaxing
and healing qualities into our homelife, diffusing it throughout the 
busiest living areas of our home.  it helps calm stressed minds and bodies.

a new recipe i've tried recently was for this lemon lavender cake.
the subtle flavor was detected, delicious and devoured.
you can find this easy and divine recipe here.

have a lovely weekend.

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