Monday, October 6, 2014

He's home!

i hope your weekend was wonderful.
mine was as happy as can be because paul is back from a 2 week business trip.
his travels took him around the world - he's still feeling jet lagged.
it broke my heart that he had to be away while the kids were here for a visit.

i know he is home again because the tractor is out, the lawn is mowed 
and there are those gorgeous, rugby playin' legs.
i also hear sounds of a busy kitchen and it isn't me!  love it. 

the hearty, savory aroma of paul's lamb stew fills the house.
there won't be any recipe sharing today as this stew comes second nature to him.
i think it runs in his veins.  the only thing i did to help was fetch carrots, rosemary and
other herbs from the garden.  sunday lunch was a colorful plate of lamb stew, brown rice,
baked pumpkin and roasted brussel sprouts.  i missed him.

while he was away and to surprise him on his return, 
 i tackled some items on our 5 year "to do" list.
you know that list of tasks you mentally shove to the bottom for years because 
you know that everything will still run quietly and smoothly without them being done?
well, some of them began to shout at me!       ok, ok........

1. fix mailbox flag
2. clean oven (actually, i've only put this off for 3 years..... :)
3. go through storage bins of children's toys and holiday decorations.
4. paint trim on garage - ummm, we built the detached garage 5 or 6 years ago and never quite got to painting the trim on the back windows and doors.  i mean, no one ever sees the back of the garage except for the neighbor's horses and i don't think they care because when i asked them about it they just looked at me like.............."whatever."

i know this is a boring photo.......
but it absolutely thrills me!