Wednesday, February 25, 2015

sleepy lotion

a new snowstorm has arrived adding to the 12" leftovers of last weekend's storm so i'm opting for a stay indoors kind of day.

with moisturizing lotion on demand in our house this winter, our supply is almost gone.  
so, today i am making another batch of my favorite, gentle, calming to the point of drowsy body lotion.  

there are only three ingredients to this pure lotion, each contributing their subtle, childlike scents.  sweet almond oil is a lightweight oil and helpful for dry and/or itchy skin, beeswax, as well as gifting its honey-like fragrance, adds thickness and lavender essential oil imparts its gentle, calming qualities to the potion lotion.

you'll sleep like a baby lotion

1 cup sweet almond oil
3 tablespoons beeswax pastilles (if using a beeswax block, grate finely)
30 drops lavender essential oil

Over low heat, combine almond oil and beeswax in a small saucepan, stirring until melted. Remove from heat and cool in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally.  Once the mixture has cooled completely, whip until it forms a smooth lotion.  Stir in lavender essential oil and transfer to a pump container.
 (recipe from Heather at

my suggestion: 
at the end of a long, cold winter's day, run a warm, luxurious bath, soak contentedly, apply lotion liberally,  
sleep like a baby.

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