Friday, June 5, 2015

My Dad

my 85 year old dad doesn't slow down, nope, not for a second. 
it's not that he's busy, it's not that he's stressed out, it's that he's healthy and happy when doing something and happi-est when doing something fun. 

last month, dad headed north from his condo in san diego to take part in san francisco's bay to breakers 12k footrace pulling an impressive placing in the over 80 category. 

i'm sure dad was anxious to finish the race so he could get back to his normal, everyday activities such as golfing, hiking, camping, swimming, dancing... 
and i mean this former cruise ship dance host can dance!

or organizing the next timeshare trip with one of his children.
the 7 of us kids rotate each year choosing when and where we will meet grandpa for a family vacation!

or birthday gift shopping for his 19 grandchildren, 7 children and also their spouses.
each year, dad faithfully sends a wrapped christmas and birthday gift to each and every one of us!

when he's had his fill of these enjoyable pastimes, he hops into his convertible 
look for the one with the "just give me a blue sky and the open road" license plate motto

on a trip to visit one of his 9 siblings
they are all healthy and happy too!

or heads out on one of his 4 or 5 annual cross country roadtrips. 
he has nearly completed his goal to camp in every national park!

coming or going, these road trips are when we get to see dad for a quick visit before he heads back to...

restart at top of page.

yep, that's my dad.

have a lovely weekend.

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