Tuesday, September 1, 2015

time for school

it's been feast or famine with photos on the posts this summer.
today it's a feast!

let's get caught up with what's been happening lately.....

ben and kensey arrived in boulder for a relaxing week with us before the start of their senior year of university. wow.....really?

then it was pack up time and i mean big time!!
ben and sab are heading back for the fall/winter semesters at byu.
the boys are roommates this year along with their cousin christian. they decided they wanted all of their band equipment out at school with them along with clothes, motorcycles, kitchen gear, etc. etc....
school has already started for gabi so she stayed in boulder with a friend. we missed you gabi!
for paul, ben, sebastian, kensey, roxy and i, it was.......
provo or bust!

and we made it, greeted by heartwarming welcomes from grandma and grandpa.
i kind of think they missed having these grandsons around over the summer.

we were also anxious to meet up with margo! 
margo and andrew have just bought their first house and we couldn't wait to see their new home!! 
so, up to salt lake city we went......

margo and roxy together again.

kensey and ben

sab with fun, funny helga.

margo and andrew's house is adorable and they are working very hard uncovering wood floors, removing wallpaper and making it their own. their pups, helga and nigel, couldn't be happier with their big, shady backyard!

then, back down to provo and a family gathering for sebastian's special evening.

grandpa gerry, paul, uncle dan, ben and sebastian spontaneously and handsomely dressed in blue!

and add cousin christian.

it was also a very special treat to spend the evening with cousin lindsay from holland.
lindsay is my brother kyle's daughter and has spent the last few weeks in utah with my mom.
i needed to celebrate with three photos!!

finally, it was just paul and i on the long, empty car ride home, oh and roxy. 
we were both a little sad but we were also feeling very proud and grateful for our wonderful, much adored and noble sons. have a great year, boys. you are loved.