Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Surprise Birthday Visit!!

whoa, a lot has happened since my last post......

first of all, paul and i got the surprise of our lives friday night.......truly!!
this is how it went......

paul was sitting alone at home and was surprised first while gabi and i were at fairview high school for the guys and dolls friday night musical performance. gabi was on stage and i was working down in the dressing room helping with costume changes. at the end of the show, i was told that someone needed me upstairs.......

i couldn't believe it. i couldn't believe our children, each and every one of them as well as andrew, and ben's girlfriend kensey were there in front of me. i couldn't believe it.

these amazing children had organized, along with gabi's help, to surprise their father for his birthday. 
nicole had flown from los angeles to salt lake city thursday night, staying the night with margo. then they all drove to boulder on friday. 
wow! i mean when do parents get surprised? they/we are usually the ones organizing things, they/we usually keep tabs on everyone so to slip this by us was quite the accomplishment and oh so wonderful.

and the weekend just kept getting better from there....
paul was happy to cook for everyone again starting with a hearty breakfast saturday morning.

then, everyone wanted to be outside and help us get ready for winter....

putting the gardens to bed......

harvesting the carrots......

attaching the snow blade to the tractor and moving railroad ties....thank you, guys!!!

they were also able to see gabi perform at the guys and dolls saturday matinee.
it meant a lot to gabi to have her brothers and sisters in the audience.
that evening, we went out for a birthday dinner, savoring this fun time together.

thank you, thank you, each and every one of you darling children. 
this weekend meant so much to your dad and so much to me.
i love you.