Tuesday, March 1, 2016

dad daughter dinner date and winter ball

we had a full house over the weekend with a couple of entertaining events going on....

friday night was a dad daughter dinner date. 
a fun night out for the girls from our church and their fathers.

the evening started with dads and daughters filling out questionaires and then comparing answers, 
"i didn't know you liked mini-golf better than bowling. me too!"

next, each girl interviewed her own dad with questions about the kind of boy he was at their age......
quite revealing!
they switched places and dads interviewed their daughters imagining themselves as grown-ups answering questions.
hilarious! these girls are take charge!

"photo booth" shots.....

 the girls and dads gathered around the table for a raclette dinner and
for dessert, the girls brought their dad's favorite homemade cookies. these girls and dads are fun!!!

"goodnight dad, thanks for coming!"
  and the girls stayed for a sleepover. 

fairview winter ball 2016

now sophomores, gabi and her friends followed the same plan as freshman winter ball.
it is a turnabout event when girls ask guys to the dance.
so, the girls like it to go like this........

- girls meet at gabi's house to dress and do makeup
- take photos, take more photos
- girls go out to dinner altogether
- meet guys at dance
- dance
- girls head back to gabi's for a sleepover
- big breakfast
- done.

since they didn't invite their dates to the photo shoot, the girls took a dude shot themselves.

1 comment:

  1. How did Paul get such a pretty daughter?
