Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Delhi, India

goodbye jaipur.......off to delhi.......the last stop.......usual 4 hour drive took 6 hours.......popularly decorated trucks.......monkeys, naughty monkeys.......roadside cart attendants must be caged.......arrived in delhi.......population 9.8 million.......capital territory of india.......enormous apartment towers.......18 marked lanes going into the city, 24 cars across.......concrete, concrete.......fascinating explanation of the caste system philosophy.......land of extremes.......land of opposites.......new delhi.......seat of government.......government buildings.......president of india's residence.......prime minister's residence.......embassies.......incredibly expensive real estate.......enormous parks and playgrounds.......street markets.......lotus temple.......street food.......shopping malls.......huge outdoor screen to watch icc world twenty20 cricket with the rest of india.......the food......oh, the food.......had to rely on nicole for food photos.......i was overwhelmed.......
bollywood show.......over the top.......projected scenery, costumes, singing, dancing, fire, identical twins in spinning trance, lasers shooting from statue's forehead gems, flying actors decorated in peacock feathers.......and i mean over the top.......would go again in a minute.......invited to dinner at our friend sumit's house.......gracious, kind, hospitable, loving family, four generations live altogether.......old delhi.......red fort.......bicycle rickshaws......driven through streets and alleys.......stalls, gold merchants.......markets.......pet shop.......oldest jain temple.......must leave all leather clothes and accessories outside.......
jainism has strong respect for all living things

new dehli


old delhi

the very last place we visited on our final day in india was the highlight of the trip for me. our friend sumit and his father started a school for these beautiful, motivated, hard working and dedicated children. the school is located along a busy, major road in the city. sumit hires trained teachers, unable to find work, to teach the children and the older girls are also given training in marketable sewing skills. they stole my heart.
we (carefully) crossed the road to visit their families, older siblings selling their wares and taking care of babies and mothers making food. they graciously invited us into their makeshift and humble yet, neat and tidy homes. we learned so much from them in the little time we shared together. i can't stop thinking about these wonderful people. 

before we knew it, it was over. thank you for having us, india. you have changed our lives forever.

p.s. our flight was delayed in india so paul, gabi and i missed our connection in newark, n.j. 
nicole was able to make her connection to l.a. so we had to quickly say goodbye. it was magic to have been able to spend these breathtaking two weeks with our oldest daughter. we will miss her by our side.
paul, gabi and i thought, who can miss an unexpected layover opportunity to go into the city?!
not us! it was gabi's first visit to nyc......she loved it!!

1 comment:

  1. now this is something very special for a person who loves travelling strange and beautiful places. Dehli, India.. Wow! very special, lively, and land of opportunities. Their traditions, buildings, and people are very inspirational.
