Tuesday, May 24, 2016

chicking/checking in II

last time we checked in with margo, she was incubating and hatching chicks for her farmer friend, beau.
the plan was to hand the newborn chicks back when they were ready to be transported.
well, some of them went back but four have stayed.......(not a huge surprise)

meet morgana, cynthia, spike and eugene.

you nickelodeon fans will recognize the theme. choosing nickelodeon character names was also where margo fetched her dogs' names, nigel and helga. 

morgana (the rugrats grandpa's long lost love), cynthia (rugrat's doll), eugene (spongebob's mr. krab's first name), spike (rugrat's dog). remember the newly hatched chick margo stayed up nursing until the wee hours of the morning? morgana (above) made it!!

now the plan is for margo to raise four of the chicks but only keep two hens, giving two back. roosters are not allowed in the city and gender can not be identified until they are 8 weeks old. beau has a special breeding program going on. his cool hybrid eggs are in high demand, margo couldn't resist getting involved.

another fun spring thing margo and andrew are discovering and appreciating at their house are the beautiful flower surprises blooming around the garden. they bought their home last year from the original owner, pearl. pearl had recently passed away and her sons, who were born and raised in this 1940's family home, were selling it with heavy hearts. margo keeps pearl's memory alive by appreciating and displaying the spring blooms, like these gorgeous white peonies, pearl lovingly planted in her garden through the years. thank you, pearl.

(all photos by margo)