Friday, June 24, 2016

a visit from grandpa

grandpa came to boulder for a quick overnight visit. so my sister alisa, her husband jerry and their three a-dor-a-ble kids came over for a family get together to spend time with dad/grandpa.
our dad is in the middle of one of his bi-tri-quad yearly coast to coast road trips.

our 87 year old father is also about to embark on a very well researched and detailed adventure following the lewis and clark historic trail beginning in clarksville, kentucky and ending 22 days later at beacon rock state park in washington state. you're amazing, dad!

paul barbequed a delicious assortment of sausages for dinner accompanied by salads including this one. i love to make and serve food using ingredients from the garden (you patient followers know that by now) so out i went to pick strawberries, thyme, oregano and basil from the herb garden. the salad greens are coming along but not quite ready to pick. i believe this garden passion of mine is a combo from both my dad, he was the gung-ho gardener when we were growing up, and my mom, she was the fearless canner, jam bottler and homemade ketchup maker for our big family. thanks mom and dad. 
(btw, the six of us kids were the compliant weeders)

nothing better than hanging with family. unfortunately, sebastian and gabi were both working so we missed them at dinner. (we saved you guys some leftovers including alisa's key lime pie!)

food and games....card games, board games, dominoes, etc. are the usual group entertainment when grandpa is around. he's the master. this is a round of chicken foot.

sebastian made it home in time for a quick cousin photo.
family is the best!

have a lovely weekend.


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