Friday, June 3, 2016

snippets of home

here are a few recent photos i've taken 
now and then, in and out, here and there
around the house..........

1. i loved having both boys home to feed for a couple of nights. ben is back in utah but sab is home for the summer!
2. ben helped me plant the peonies i've always wanted
3. sab helped me plant delphiniums i've always wanted
4. sab is working water safety crew at boulder reservoir this summer but during his off time he's been helping around the property.
5. a flowering gift from a beautiful friend and the happiest bird in the world is happily back outside doing his thing.
6. stream is flowing.....sounds of summer.
7. wild card and abby
8. did you know that today was national doughnut day? gabi did and treated us all!
9. 10. 11. the robin family is here
12. loving my garden 
13. poppies
14. a sab and roxy wrestle

have a lovely weekend.