Friday, July 1, 2016

summer party time

our backyard has been the venue for a couple of fun parties this week.
last night, a group of women from our church organized a summer hors d'oeuvres get together. it's the best idea! i mean, who needs a main dish? we fill our plates with everyone's favorite appetizers they've brought to share, sit, visit, laugh, catch up, then end the evening with ice cream home-churned by a couple of friend's husbands. oh yea! 
my new favorite flavor, homemade nutella ice cream...........what?!
thanks for coming, including the group of women up on the deck!

then, this afternoon friends came over for a thank you picnic. we wanted to show our appreciation to a wonderful woman for the exceptional attention and dedication she has given our daughters. 
thank you again, jennifer.

with thunderstorms predicted for both events, we got lucky and the rains held off so we were able to pull both parties off without a hitch.

have a lovely weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Janet for being the best hostess. I think my hair took up a third of that photo. Lol. Love you!
