Saturday, November 13, 2010

magna cum laude!

we took nicole and max out for a celebratory dinner last night because...

nicole was awarded magna cum laude and
max was awarded summa cum laude!!!

November 12, 2010

Dear Nicole,

Congratulations!  I am delighted to inform you that, subject to the completion
of work for the Bachelor's degree, the University of Colorado Honors Council
has awarded you the Latin Honors graduation designation Magna cum Laude in Art
and Art History.

The award of Honors by the University of Colorado at Boulder represents the high
value that the faculty places on your achievements.  It recognizes both your
excellent academic record and the extraordinary investments of time and creativity
you have made in producing an original, academically rigorous thesis.

Your achievement inspires your fellow students and gratifies your teachers.
As an Honors student, you have carried exceptional skills and enthusiasm into
every class.  By example you have encouraged others to perform at the highest
level.  We trust that the energy and dedication that have distinguished your
academic career will continue to be evident in, and to shape, the rest of your
life.  Insofar as they do, we will all be your beneficiaries.

We now invite you, your family, and your friends to join us in celebrating your
success. The Honors Convocation will be held on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at
9:00 A.M. in the Glenn Miller Ballroom of the University Memorial Center.  There
we will present the Honors medallion and certificate that recognize your achievement.
  Feel free to invite the faculty or staff members who have meant the most to
your life and education at the University of Colorado at Boulder.  No RSVP necessary.
 Please visit our website, <>
for additional information.  We look forward to seeing you at the Convocation.


Fred Anderson
Professor of History
Director of the Honors Program

Todd T. Gleeson
Dean of College of Arts & Sciences

to our amazing, brilliant, beautiful, determined, talented, hard-working, passionate, fiercely independent, precious, strong-willed daughter......

we salute you and all you have worked so hard to become thus far.
how proud we are of you for finding your passion, polishing your gifts and working so relentlessly on this degree.  you have greatly earned this honor and recognition.  may this distinction illuminate your way as you continue down your golden path........

your - proud and beaming parents 

1 comment:

  1. And congratulations from a proud and amazed aunt. Well done Nicole! Wow!!
