Friday, April 29, 2011

hi margo

margo is home for the summer!!

and it was such a beautiful day that we decided to plant flowers.

to play it safe here in boulder, we boulderites wait until may 15th to start planting outside.
we are pretty much guaranteed no more frosts after that date.

but, it was such a springy day and we are all so tired of looking at dirt flower beds and 
empty flower pots that we decided we had to at least plant flowers that will live on the porch.
 if we get unwanted freezing weather in the next couple of weeks, we can just move them inside.

that's more like it. a cheery, bright greeting by the front door.

rick the great, has been busy all week building us another bridge across the stream.
he finished it this afternoon.  isn't it beautiful!!
he extended the deck as well which will become the new space for barbecuing.

paul spent all last weekend getting the stream and waterfall flowing again - 
mmmmmm, the sounds of summer.
it is so lovely to walk across the new bridge.  i always have to pause half way, lean on the railing and watch the water flow by.  

hi gabi!
it is spirit week and today is crazy outfit day!!
that looks like one of your regular outfits to me, gabi.

this girl loves color!

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