Monday, April 4, 2011

on coming home

we are home safe and sound to a dry, brown, cold, windy, snowy colorado.

an exerpt from an e-mail sent to a dear friend expresses my feelings this day...

"We got home from Hawaii last night and as much as I love my life and home - I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!!  
I want to be sleeping in with the sound of the waves lulling me out of my slumber with my contented and relaxed husband next to me.  I want to tumble outside in the waves donning snorkel and goggles and visit the quiet, blue underwater world of fish and coral then read my book on the beach with the kids swimming and running and laughing on the sand.  Grrrrrrrrrr!  
Reality check: loads of laundry, wet, smelly bathing suits and towels, unpacking, unanswered e-mails up to here, piles of mail, no food in the house, poor Paul back to work in the wee hours of the morning, poor kids up for school at unearthly hours and all away with after school activities until late tonight - Gabi until 6:30 p.m. and the boys until 9:30 p.m.  I miss them all so much today!!!"

usually by the end of a vacation i am ready to come home.

but this time........not.

so, i had to get my head around it and find the happy........

the day before we left, i planted vegetable and flower seeds and set them in a sunny window.
when we got back, these brave little leafy greens were already pushing and prodding their delicate, little heads against the terrarium lid wanting to stretch their gangly selves.

that's happy!

we did miss our friends and family and wanted to hear all about their spring break 
adventures.  so on sunday, we invited our dear friend becca and my sister alisa and 
her jerry, james, lila & ryan family over for sunday lunch.

on the menu:

chicken fajitas w/
chipotle rice & beans
sour cream, guacamole & salsa
fresh fruit platter
strawberry shortcake 

that's happy!

and of course, it was so wonderful to once again be mastiff mauled with slobbery, sheddy doggy love!!

that's happy too!

i'm good now.

i want to say something.......

in the same e-mail as was quoted in above, a dear friend made the comment that...

"she can't wait until her life is so well organized and uncomplicated as mine appears right now"

i have to say something about that. so, this was my response to her and all my friendly followers.........

"It's a funny thing with blogs.  The authors, including myself don't want to revisit the frustrating, hectic, grumpy side of life.  We want to celebrate and share the beauty and grace of all that inspires, motivates and moves us.  It's like having a "thankful diary".  We want to share and relive the things we are grateful for in our day.  Somedays it may only be one little minute in the day that is captured but it is enough to sustain through all the other unpleasantries.  Please don't ever be fooled or be caught believing that all you see is all there is.  Believe me, a lot often goes unsaid or unstudied as I share my feelings and photos.  I'm not trying to hide or pretend that all is well and perfect.  I just like to focus on the happy."

please know that.

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