Thursday, September 29, 2011

autumn inside

signs of autumn around the house......
it is definitely football season........
"guys, we need 4 footballs.........really?"

and it looks like halloween is just around the corner.......

dans le jardin...

our tomatoes are coming in fast and furious right now.
whenever i pass by the garden, i gather a few red, ready, ripe ones in my shirt.
these rosey beauties are going to be turned into a savory bolognese sauce for dinner.

dans le cuisine

nicole was busy in the kitchen tonight as well, making......

her recipe is smothered in the honey from our own beehives!

nicole was searching around the winter mittens/hat/scarf stash because 
she wanted to wear a balaclava while making baklava.
witty girl!

around town.....

i picked nicole up from work today so we could go to lunch.
we headed to "the hill" - cu student territory.

we came upon a beautiful old theater with an even more gorgeous marquee.
i just had to stop and watch for a moment.
why do these types of things -  that have a tinge of nostalgia to them - make my heart race?
i simply adore them.

we were headed to the 

okay, this is about my absolutely favorite kind of food.....
mediterranean pickled everything you can think of
with a side of pita. 

nice choice, nicole.
(look how pretty these three words are together)

ben and i were also about town together today, 
which is a delightful luxury.

we came upon the most amazing sight!
a crowd of classic bmw's just standing together in a random parking lot.

once again, my heart was all-a-flutter.

the only explanation we could think of was that we had come upon a
beamer flash mob!



  1. Love the BMWs. You have your own beehives? I am very interested, want to try the same. How did you start? Is it difficult? Any info link you recommend?

  2. We used to have beehives on our schoolhouse property. A guy we knew needed space because he had a new queen etc. He did all the work and then paid us for the space in gorgeous honey with bees fed from our fields and flowers! Unfortunately, he recently moved and took them with him.
