Tuesday, November 8, 2011

mean clothes

whoa!  took a break there for a few days.
i've been fighting a sore throat etc. and haven't felt too great.
still feeling yucky and unmotivated but..........life goes on.
so here i am.  i missed you guys.

now this is going to take some motivation mustering.
look what is beckoning me from the laundry room....

but i won't be defeated.  a good 5 or 6 hours and i will have you tackled,
you mean pile of rumpled clothes, you!

over the weekend, 
the fairview knights won their first play-off game!
to read the newspaper report of friday's nail-biting game, go here

the knights are seeded 17th in the state and this friday they will play
the number 1 seed, columbine!

with the daylight saving's time change we had this weekend,
it has been easier to get up and get going in the mornings.
usually, sebastian and i head out to take him to his before school religion class in the dark of night.

my nursery school buddies came yesterday and we had loads of fun
making puzzles and reading one of my favorite dr. seuss books,

if i ran the zoo

for nursery tea we had 
bustard custard, hold the mustard

one page had me laughing so hard.  it felt good because i hadn't felt like laughing for a few days....
(kids love seeing grown-ups laugh their heads off)

In the Far Western part
Of south-east North Dakota
Lives a very fine animal
Called the Iota.
But I'll capture one
Who is even much finer
In the north-eastern west part 
Of South Carolina.


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