Monday, December 12, 2011

advent day twelve: packages

gabi chose these fun, christmas elfin placemats and serviettes on our visit to ikea
a couple of months ago.  
she's been setting the dinner table with 
them for weeks already.

it is the last week before christmas holidays and a lot of 
projects are due.
the boys have a shortened schedule this week with two finals a day.
why aren't you guys studying like these two??

paul and i found this justin bieber wrapping paper.
gabi couldn't believe her eyes.

"i want all of my presents wrapped in j.b. please, mom."

speaking of justin bieber.  did you catch him in this macy's ad?
even after watching it 30 - 40 times (at least, with little miss gabi around) it still makes me laugh.
check it out here


today was spent wrapping and labeling and packaging gifts to get in the mail......

mom and dad's room annually turns into gift-wrapping central!

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