Wednesday, January 2, 2013

happy new year!

happiest of new year wishes!!

And now let us welcome the New Year
Full of things that have never been.
               - Rainer Maria Rilke

i love the new year and all the promise each one holds,
full of dreams and full of surprises.
may this new year present you with armloads of each.

paul and i took roxy on a new year's hike.
it was nice to be outside and very much alone in our beautiful surroundings
talking of our own plans and hopes for this year as well as those for our
beloved children.

we gathered together for another raclette feast
at the end of these glorious holidays and
the beginning of another year.
my dear children, dream your dreams, pencil in your goals,
open your heart to opportunities and new inspiration
and know that you are loved, cherished and have a strong cheering section.
i love you.

p.s. how about this new blog layout!  thank you margo, for a very thoughtful gift.
(we still have a bit more fine tuning, but i'm loving it.)