Monday, May 12, 2014

happy mother's day

happy mother's day for yesterday 
from a snowpiled boulder.

the leafy, green trees are barely withstanding the weight of this very wet,
late snow.  the snowshovels have reappeared, the wood stove is burning,
track practice has been cancelled.

but let's talk about yesterday.  mother's day.  an opportunity for all of us 
children to actively take the opportunity to contemplate, appreciate and celebrate our mothers.  
i got to speak to my beautiful mother.  this woman, who through her gentle years of nurturing, portrayed to me that motherhood is of the grandest and loftiest aspirations.
thank you, mom.

i appreciate the effort my children and husband made to make this day special for me.
i feel loved.
i too hope that your day was just the way you like it.

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