Friday, May 9, 2014

knight of stars

so exciting!
it is the fairview talent show, "knight of stars" time of year.
the caliber of student talent at fairview high school is incredible.
i am blown away each and every year.
music, singing, dancing, name it, it's there and it's good.

this year's show had a french cabaret feel to it and big screens were added
so the audience wouldn't miss a thing.

sebastian was in four acts...
the show's opener was willkommen loaded with it all: music, singing, dancing, acting,
pretty girls and handsome boys.
(sebastian, top right)

the next was the act I closer. 
it was a medley of the beatles' songs golden slumbers/carry that weight/the end.

it began with sebastian alone on stage at the piano, singing a solo of golden slumbers.  then, without warning, the curtains opened and the whole company, dressed in 60's garb joined in loud and powerfully with carry that weight.  they rocked it to the end!!
incredible!  it gives me chills just thinking about it!

the third act he was in was another group act and the opener for act II.
rodgers and hammerstein's there is nothing like a dame.
these guys were great and had the whole audience laughing with this musical theater piece. 

and then, the grande finale!
the closer for fairview's 2014's knight of stars was their rendition of 
bleeding out by the lone bellow.
sebastian, katharine, ethan and avi led the whole company.
(i feel like you know these good friends by now!)

at this point in the performance, sebastian has kicked the piano stool out of the 
way and things go crazy!!

wow!  what a show!!
thank you, thank you, you amazing performers!  you are an absolute thrill to watch!
thank you for sharing your talents, grit and confidence with us all.  you are an inspiration.

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