Wednesday, May 7, 2014

off to london

 (margo knows how to travel in style)

ben was home over the weekend (yay!) for 24 hours (boo hoo!).

he has very successfully finished his sophomore year at b.y.u.
although it was quick, we loved having him with us again,
and he will be back.
ben, margo and andrew are meeting up in london for a spring holiday together.

bon voyage, all!

this is my last cutting of tulips from the garden.  oh, how a colorful bouquet lifts my spirits.

and these make me smile garden-to-be.  

p.s. the nikon D7100 is back!  hoooray!  can you tell?  it is the replacement for the nikon that broke in the accident.  feels so good.

p.p.s. oh, oh, oh! margo has just sent me a photo that i must add as a late shot to this post
and title the photo:
cousins reunited after many years!
margo and ben's cousins, daniel and emma, live in london and along with andrew,
they all got together for dinner at emma's last night and enjoyed what i can only imagine
was a fabulous reuniting of childhood memories and family stories.
happy, happy times!


  1. Spoke to my Emma last night... She is really enjoying having her cousins in London. Dinner tonight at her place wit Daniel... So happy they are spending time with each other.

  2. thks big sis...still humbled by those who share !!! she is a good one.

  3. And she thinks you are "a sweet boy"...

  4. I love that they are all together! Thank you, Emma.

  5. Thank You!!! for the photo. I too am so glad that they were all able to get together.
