Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Southern CA cont.

be prepared...
this is an even heavier onslaught of photos from our recent visit to family in the san diego/l.a. area.
just sayin'....

my dad came up with the great idea of getting e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e (listed in the previous post) together for dinner one night and he would cook.
so......we gathered at lance and tiffany's house and had a roast and ribs feast!

once again, i absolutely loved being with my dad and these two quick-witted and 
hi-larious younger brothers of mine, lance and greg, and i mean the stop, i can't breathe, laughing all night kind of hilarious!

for a quick refresher course on family birth order, here is a photo i took of a classic photo (circa 1978) hanging on my dad's wall:
i am the oldest, next is greg (glasses), then kyle (70's shirt collar), alisa (pretty alisa), lance (sitting very still for little lance), brian (baby cute)

lance, me, greg

reiche cousins

meyer cousins

back to the beach because we just couldn't get enough of family and we couldn't get enough of beach.

each and every day, we'd make an early morning run to the beach...

one afternoon, we headed into oceanside for a walk along the pier.

and one morning, uncle jo the surfer, took the time to give gabi a refresher course.

up she got again. go gabi!


our last morning, we said goodbye to san diego and drove to l.a. to spend the day with nicole.

we got to see her cute house.....

and take a tour of her office at morphosis architects.

for lunch, she took us downtown to grand central market. loved, loved it!!

our food stand recommendation would be falafel.......


gabi got her boba fix, she's a fan.

and a stop and shop at the american apparel outlet......gotta love l.a.

it was finally time to say our goodbyes to nicole. it was difficult but how nice it was for us to be together with her. i love, love, love my kids.

a wonderful, ocean, family trip. 


  1. Love it! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
