Wednesday, July 2, 2014

six month check-up

it has been six months since the car accident on new years day.
so, i thought i would catch you up on things since you dear, dear friends
are so often checking on me with love and concern as i continue to heal from my brain injury....

grateful that ben, sebastian, gabi and paul are all well and recovered.  my greatest hope and prayer.
appreciating my family and friends who lovingly support and encourage me as i continue to heal.
enjoying weekly massages including a very therapeutic cranial sacral massage, a gift lovingly given to me by my nicole.
seeing a slow but constant and steady improvement each day with the perspective that bad days do come but they also go.
rejoicing because I know i've come a long way. I don't remember, but I couldn't get it together to walk without help at first.
savoring the beauty and rejuvenation i am feeling with the onset of summer.
learning to adjust to what i'm still not able to do with the perspective that it will come.
accepting that i am messy, clumsy and forgetful for now.
mastering patience.
luxuriating in the return of my emotions. now working on managing them. 
believing my doctors when they tell me to give it a good two years before i feel like myself again. i've fought that fact until recently.
missing the janet that i am familiar with until then.
excited when i get complete glimpses of her - they are coming more often!
creating a simple, gentle, quiet, low key lifestyle and healing in the beauty of it.  my lavender garden in the photos is a part of that calm world.
amazed by the fact that the less i do, the happier i am.  a mighty 360 degree change of perspective.
working through an anxiety stage right now.
cringe when I hear loud noises.
bewildered by the dramatic mind experiences i have encountered during this healing process.  Whoa, especially at the beginning.
indebted to the doctors and therapists who've held my hand, healed and encouraged me along the way.
blown away by and savor the strong, solid, steady, security i feel from my husband.
becoming a lumosity virtuoso!
annoyed by the numbness i feel through my right leg but after many tests have been assured that the feeling will eventually return.
have come to terms with the fact that the amnesia i have of the days around the accident will stay.  i thought it was important to remember everything to aid in my recovery.  but it isn't, it doesn't matter. 
uplifted by my mother's positive and encouraging belief in my full recovery and that i am on my way to becoming even better than before.  this quote sums up her beliefs:  "an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward.  so when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great."  thanks, mom
acknowledging i have learned powerful life lessons through this experience.
gaining an incredible appreciation, fascination and respect for the complexity, fragility and wonderment of the brain.
humbled by the power of prayer.
coping with the challenge of having a hidden injury and the resulting social complications.  
questioning when friends tell me that i look and act normal and familiar because believe me, what is going on inside my head is not familiar.
respecting the challenges of life and the opportunity it gives for growth and change.
enveloped fully in the love and support i feel from my husband and each of my children.
looking forward to a bright, happy future bejeweled with the unique and choice perspective i am gaining.


  1. In a perverse way, the accident sounds like a gift of which you have made the most? You are a remarkable woman and I am so glad to be your sister (-in-law).

    1. Thanks for your encouragement Margo. Love to you always.
